Seasonal Tutorials inspired by Nature

Tune into the seasons with our guided, step by step tutorials inspired by each turn of the year. Our tutorials are packed with beginner-friendly tips and tricks and include life-time access to the tutorial and access to high quality downloadable resources to support your learning. Free shipping on kits!

Spring Watercolour Wreath Painting Tutorial from £15

A 45 minute beginner-friendly botanical painting tutorial, where you’ll learn Ellie’s specialism - drawing with the brush.

Click the workshop title below for materials list. Starter kit RRP. £20. Want to gift this tutorial? Gift options available at checkout.

Watercolour Wreath Tutorial
from £15.00

Summer Botanical Mono-printing Tutorial from £35

Learn how to create stunning, almost photographic prints from Nature and more in this 90 minute beginner-kind tutorial.

Click the workshop title below for materials list. Starter kit RRP. £28. Want to gift this tutorial? Gift options available at checkout.

Botanical Printing Tutorial
from £35.00

Fantastic Fungi Autumn Tutorial from £25

Learn how to sketch and paint mushrooms using inks, pastels and watercolour in this 75 minute tutorial packed with tips and tricks!

Click the workshop title below for materials list. Starter kit RRP £27. Want to gift this tutorial? Gift Options available at checkout.

Fantastic Fungi Tutorial
from £25.00

Sketchbook Projects

Looking for more in depth learning?

Ellie’s seasonal Sketchbook Club projects are now available to book ‘off the shelf’. Beginner-friendly tutorials to inspire you all year round!

Gift Boxes

Looking for a taste of our teaching?

Our gift sets include all materials, gift options and a free 20 minute tutorial- a perfect gift to self or to friends!

Regular Classes

Want to learn through the seasons with us from the comfort of your own home?

Sign up now for beginner-kind online classes inspired by Nature